Startup Week - Szent György Napok Gazdasági Eseményei
Startup Week - Evenimentele economice ale Zilelor Sfântu Gheorghe

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April 23-27, 2018
avatar for Transylvania Mechanical Engineering Cluster

Transylvania Mechanical Engineering Cluster

Transylvania Mechanical Engineering Cluster
Mechanical processing industry plays a significant role in shaping our region's industrial profile consisting of Covasna, Harghita, Mures and Brasov counties. This industry has the potential to create links with other sectors such as automotive,agriculture, food, aviation, pharmaceutical, woodworking and more. ransylvanian Mechanical Engineering Cluster was founded in 2015 and at the moment has 33 members consisting of 17 romanian manufacturing companies, 4 non-governamental organizations, 5 public institutions, 1 R&D center, 3 professional schools and 3 chambers of commerce & industry.